Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

Stockholm Sightseeing

So here we are again, must have been three days till I last wrote to you in this blog. Sorry for this. We were just too busy and travelling with a small child is always demanding. You may wonder, why I've started this blog in English today. The answer is easy: Here in Stockholm we met an old friend of mine, who I know from my time in Australia, almost 8 years back. We've seen each other from time to time over the last years, but it had been a great pleasure to see him again while being around. And so I dedicate this blog to him.

Today is already Thursday! Unbelievable that it had already been 5 days since we arrived on Saturday evening at our flat here on Adelsön. Actually this more looks like a garage for a boat or car which had been transformed into a living environment. However, it's a nice place and you do not miss anything. The shower must be brand new and also TV and Internet is available. (While we haven't used the TV so far, WiFi on the room is much more convenient than always going into the lobby or kitchen of the hostel. Our landlord lives next door and showed us her entire estate upon arrival, but since then is rarely seen. She's a former actress and now writing her own plays.

The area / the island we ended up 40km west of Stockholm city centre is also full of history. Actually it was here on Adelsön were one of the first Swedish kings ruled over his kingdom on the island Birka next door, legislating some of the laws which are still part of Swedish constitution. The way to Adelsön also passes Lovön, the island just in front of Ekerö with its castle Drottningholm where the Swedish Royal Family lives. The picture on Wikipedia looks almost like our Schwetzinger Schloßgarten. Let's see if we have time / the weather clears up perhaps we can also visit this place before the leave.

Tuesday / Wednesday we went to Stockholm. Caused by Swedish speed limits and the fact that we're located slightly outside the city centre we decided to book a hostel and stay in Stockholm for one night. Our first stop was to meet up with Babak for a joint lunch and afterwards showing us a spectacular view over the city of Stockholm from the top of Katarinahissen. On the second day we walk a little bit through the beautiful streets of Gamla Stan (the old part of the city), Drottninggatan and Regeringsgatan. We also visited the Medeltidsmuseet, which indeed is a little bit difficult to find, but definitely worth to see. And, last but not least, went to the Stadshuset where the Nobel prices are granted. 

Back on Adlesön we spend a beautiful afternoon on Monday hiking over the island, while originally planning to go down to the lakeside / to the beach. Unfortunately the place was already taken and the weather went temporary so cloudy, that we decided to not go into the water but just continue on our round trip over the center of the island back to our accommodation. 

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